Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Day

For some reason, I felt like I needed to blog yesterday, regardless of the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say...."

I did say it, and I'm glad I did, because it shows how far I've come...all of my ups and downs.

This is me right now:


I just snapped a picture on my MacBook at Quacks, a local aforementioned coffee shop, because my internet is being too putzy for comfort. This is the hairstyle that I do far too often.

Last Sunday, H and I went ice skating. Yes, in Austin. Whole Foods has fabricated a lil' rink of rip-offs & enjoyment above their facility, and I surprised H with his first time skating! I was relieved that he didn't run.

Unfortunately, they gave him the seafoam green girl ice skates. He began clutching the side wall of the rink, but later skated with confidence--much faster than the 3-year-olds that had shamed him in the beginning.

Here's me in my dude skates:


And my cute little ice noob:


Here's a video of my Minnesotan-bred skills:

Tonight, I will be making a little milk jug bird house for the cardinal & co. that live in our backyard.

Tomorrow, H will be going to his college to try to enroll for spring. I am so proud of him, and I hope that he achieves more than he ever imagined!

Also, tomorrow marks the 1-year anniversary from when we first checked our FICO scores together. Mine was decent; his atrocious. We will re-check it tomorrow and I hope that all the work we put in this year "PAYS OFF"!!!

Bon nuit!