Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Improvements. Always!

1. I'm planning on putting more pictures in my blog.

I feel so lethargic and old today. Is it my schedule? Is it my diet of potable and portable sealed lunches? If I could possibly wake up earlier than 6:15am to do calisthenics I would. And no, I cannot do coffee.

2. I need a new hairstyle.

Between the two of us, H and I have managed to plan a preparation timeline for my family's arrival on Saturday afternoon (i.e. He : cleans dust scabs off ceiling fans, scrapes burnt food drippings off bottom of oven. I: wash all towels & bedding + restroom). Years of the icky stress cycle have shown me I need to be this way now! ANAL!

3. Start attending classes at gym because they're more fun than staring at CNN and the sweat stains on the woman ahead of you.

I must confess that I watched THE BACHELOR yesterday. I understand why so many people like the comforting routine of programming & the rapport-building chatter thereafter. However, I can't stand the concept and Ali is a little sniveling wuss! I would even select Vienna over you!

4. Make friendships & outings more of a priority.

Tonight, Cathleen & I are going to craft. Goal met! I have been into making patchwork pillows. Will show pix. Promise!