So I haven't posted in forever (12 days). I've just been blowin' around at the speed of light, or maybe more like 70 mph. Let's not be too dramatic.
My dad and sister were visiting me this past week, which overlapped the end of the school year.
I was so happy they were there to distract me from being overly emotional and anxious, because I felt like a maniac at the end of the year. We did SO much stuff...horseback riding, day trip to San Antonio, nights out, attempt at swimming, etc.
But you know what one of those weeks are like, right? Although completely awesome, I have been doing, thinking, and eating whatever. Back to structure, which I pathetically love. Back to to-do lists, workouts, and bedtimes. Ok, I don't love those things. Oh well.
Also, I got a new job teaching 8th grade ELA (only...not ESL sheltered anymore). I'm really excited to be starting something new and FRESH! Oh, and we're moving into a new house on the 15th.

Ah, commitments. I love teaching although it makes me crazy. Sounds like all of my familial relationships!

Blurry love pic
Me & pa
Evin & I jamming en route to San Antone

Dad, Evin, and their bebidas tropicales!

Ah, commitments. I love teaching although it makes me crazy. Sounds like all of my familial relationships!

Blurry love pic

Me & pa

Evin & I jamming en route to San Antone

Dad, Evin, and their bebidas tropicales!
Ok, I'm a little bit bummed that my fam is gone...never enough time. I miss them already :(
WAHHH! OK, more updates, more regularly...Next up, summer school!

Congrats on the new job! Very exciting. What's ELA?
Hope you have a FANTASTIC summer!!
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