Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Austin & Jobs


So I'm back in Austin now, and started 2 new jobs yesterday. It's truly been a whirlwind seeing H again, mapquesting schools, and more so learning schedule than anything else.

A seems far more than I'd ever imagined. Yes, it's technically a store, but it is so ME. I feel in good company, not only with the people but the environment...

And teaching? It went really well. I guess I wasn't expecting 2 crying kindergarteners right away (they couldn't tie their aprons!), but I feel really cool knowing that I can teach the little kids & the big kids equally well. So far...

I'm having a private art lesson at my home today (the mom is trading lessons for a massage!), 1 art lesson at a school, and then some advertising for the program...

I love working. I never want to complain about working again. I hope the economy bounces back soon. Parents without jobs, recent college grads, and people doing less than they ever thought they would, layoffs....heartbreaking.